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Pleural Plaques Settlements

Could you claim compensation for a pleural plaque personal injury?
Professional Negligence Solicitors
Professional Negligence Solicitors

Pleural Plaques Settlements

Although it is no longer possible to claim for pleural plaques in England and Wales that wasn’t always the cases and up until 2007 many thousands of such cases were ‘successfully’ settled. Pleural plaque in itself may well be physically harmless but its presence is an indicator of heavy past asbestos exposure and as such the sufferer is at risk of developing one of the more serious asbestos related diseases in later life such as mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis.

Before settling your pleural plaques case your solicitor should have given you full advice about the potential future health risks you faced and given you the option of settling your case on what is known as a provisional basis thus leaving the door open for you to claim further compensation in the future should your condition develop into anything more serious. Unfortunately not all solicitors did this. It wasn’t enough for your solicitor to simply send you out a standard letter outlining your options, they should have made sure that you fully understood the dangers of settling your case on a full and final basis and failure do to so could mean that you can now pursue a claim for professional negligence against them wither for yourself or on behalf of a family member.

If you think or suspect that your solicitors didn’t run your case correctly or if you think that you didn’t receive the right amount of compensation then our specialist professional negligence solicitors may be able to investigate your claim to see if you are entitled to additional payments – call 0800 122 3036